About Ze Linfu

Corporate mission

With an international perspective and great ingenuity,To provide high efficiency, high quality, low price products to meet the needs of customers around the world.

Corporate Vision

Become a large-scale, highly effective and professional sewage lifting equipment supplier in China.

Corporate Values

Customer achievement: customer service is the only reason for our existence, and customer demand is the driving force for our development. We adhere to customer-centric, respond quickly to customer needs, and continue to create long-term value for customers to achieve customers. Providing effective services to customers is the direction of our work and the yardstick of our value evaluation. To achieve customers is to achieve ourselves.

Hard work: We have no scarce resources to rely on, and only hard work can win the respect and trust of customers. The struggle is embodied in any small activity that creates value for customers, as well as the efforts made to enrich and improve themselves in the process of labor preparation. We adhere to the principle of taking the striver as the center, so that the striver can get reasonable return.

Self criticism: The purpose of self-criticism is to make continuous progress and improvement, rather than self denial. Only by adhering to self-criticism, can we listen, sublate and continue to surpass, can we more easily respect and cooperate with others, and achieve the common development of customers, companies, teams and individuals.

Open and enterprising: In order to better meet the needs of customers, we are proactive, pioneering, open and innovative. Any advanced technology, product, solution and business management can only produce value if they are translated into commercial success. Adhere to customer demand orientation, and continue to innovate around customer demand.

Honesty and trustworthiness: Only when we are honest and frank can we keep our promises. Integrity is our most important intangible asset. We insist on winning customers with integrity.